INDUSTRIAL INFRARED RADIANT HEATING PANELS - INSTALLATION>For Business>Industrial Radiant Panel>ST-Thermo Installation

Installation details
You can easily install the heating panels directly onto a ceiling or with the aid of mounting frame (which is part the delivered product) that you can attach the panel to or by suspending them to wires or chains. The connection of the heating panels is carried out via a terminal located on the side of the panel. The terminal has two outlets to enable the connection of cables within the terminal by looping. WARNING: THE AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (temperature of the surrounding air), where the panel is located must not exceed 30°C during panel operation.

Installation of heating panels may only be carried out by workers qualified according to regulation 50/78SB, section 6. Installation must be completed by a final check according to ČSN 331500. During the installation of ST Thermo high-temperature radiant panels it is necessary to use gloves in order to avoid the contamination of THERMOCRYSTAL or SILICATING surfaces with grease. After the installation of high-temperature panels (before they are brought into operation) it is necessary to remove the protective PE foil from their heating lamellas.

Warranty conditions 
The manufacturer provides a 24-month guarantee on their products; in the case of the installation of panels in buildings for habitation there is an extended guarantee of 60 months. This guarantee does not extend to faults caused during transport or due to inexpert installation. For more information see the claims regulations. Note: Further information regarding the installation of heating panels can be found in the instructions included with individual products.

Maintenance of heating panels
Heating panels do not require any maintenance; ST Thermo high-temperature panels must not be cleaned. Other alterations or applications are not permitted.